The land market in non-disclosure states like MT & WY is wrought with dynamic economic conditions and success requires a broad professional network to tap into. Our appraisers understand the critical appraisal process as well as the differences in value from one area to another.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do your fees work?
Currently WRV Appraisal, Management & Consulting Fees are assignment dependent. Given the unique nature of every assignment and the non-disclosure parameters for Montana and Wyoming properties, each property brings its own specific challenges and strengths. We do our best to be consistent in our fees and provide our clients fast, reliable, and accurate solutions.
What is the average turnaround time for a certified appraisal?
Over the course of the last fiscal year, our team has averaged 1.5 appraisals per week per agent. Our average turnaround for a certified appraisal has been 23.6 days. We routinely build a 30-45 day grace period in for any unforeseen complexities, but pride ourselves in overdelivering. If we fail to meet our bid deadline, we have no problem compensating our customers for their valuable time.
How is West Range Ventures different from others in our field?
WRV is an ambitious company comprised of young, hard-working members. We are fortunate to come from the industry we now serve in a professional capacity, and take pride in understanding the nuances that make each property unique. There is no substitute for the wisdom and experience of our colleagues. As such, we are fortunate to have a great relationship with many whom we consider mentors. Our team is focused on delivering the best value service possible by combining the knowledge and hands on experience with the expediency afforded by our youth. We are proud to be a part of the >2% of the industry under 30!
Meet Your Appraisers
Specialists in the Field
The appraisal team at WRV, is formed entirely of Certified and Accredited Members of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers (ASFMRA).
We are fortunate to have a great relationship with many professionals with decades of experience whom we consider mentors. This professional network coupled with diverse experience across multiple regions and market segments allows our appraisal team to deliver a quality product in a reasonable timeframe so you can make an informed decision.

Meet Taite Johnson
Owner, Certified General Appraiser, REALTOR
Knowledgeable of legal descriptions, Warranty Deeds, Quit Claim Deeds, Contract for Deed, Note and Trust Indentures, highest and best uses, access issues, public leases, grazing associations and private leases, zoning, construction and depreciation costs for improvements, flood plain hazards, environmental issues, nonconforming uses, severances and easements, soils, water rights, irrigation water, and wildlife. Familiar with various county government agencies for obtaining recorded ownership documents, easements, certificates, tax assessment records; Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service, and State agencies for public leases; Farm Service Agency for cropland records, aerial photos, and Crop Reserve Programs; U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil conservation Service for soil survey and climate records; Department of Natural Resources Conservation and State Engineer’s office for recorded water rights; Marshall & Swift valuation guidelines and data base for current construction prices, cost situations, and depreciation; Federal Emergency Management Agency for national flood insurance program; and MapRight, National Geographic and All Topo V7 mapping programs. Proficient and current in AgWare, Mercury, and Lightbox software as a vendor/user.
- Associate degree (A.S.) – Ag Business – Casper College;
- Bachelor degree (B.S.) – Business Mgmt. and Admin; Minor in Entrepreneurship – Montana State University
- Appraisal Institute-Basic Appraisal Principles-MT REA 070627
- Appraisal Institute -Basic Appraisal Procedures-MT REA 070848
- Appraisal Institute -2016-2017 15 Hour Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice
- Appraisal Institute-Income Approach I&II for General Appraisers
- ASFMRA Cost Approach (A301)- 2019
- ASFMRA Conservation Easements and Other Partial Interests (A315)- 2020
- ASFMRA Water Right Valuation – 2020
- Mckissock Appraisal School-MT Mentor/Trainee Course
- Mckissock Appraisal School -2018-2019 7 Hour USPAP update
- Mckissock Appraisal School -2020-2021 General Report Writing and Case Studies (#235)
- Mckissock Appraisal School -2020-2021 General Appraiser Sales Comparison Approach (#153)
- Mckissock Appraisal School -2020-2021 General Appraiser Market Analysis Highest & Best Use (#233)
- Mckissock Appraisal School -2020-2021 Statistics, Modeling and Finance (#232)
- Mckissock Appraisal School -2020-2021 Commercial Appraisal Review (#151)
Meet Trent Johnson
Owner, Certified General Appraiser, REALTOR
Knowledgeable of legal descriptions, Warranty and Quit Claim Deeds, highest and best uses, access issues, public leases, grazing associations and private leases, zoning, construction and depreciation costs for improvements, flood plain hazards, environmental issues, nonconforming uses, severances and easements, soils, water rights, irrigation water, and wildlife. Familiar with various county government agencies for obtaining recorded ownership documents, easements, certificates, tax assessment records; Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service, and State agencies for public leases; Farm Service Agency for cropland records, aerial photos, and Crop Reserve Programs; U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil conservation Service for soil survey and climate records; Department of Natural Resources Conservation and State Engineer’s office for recorded water rights; Marshall & Swift valuation guidelines and data base for current construction prices, cost situations, and depreciation; Federal Emergency Management Agency for national flood insurance program; and MapRight, National Geographic and All Topo V7 mapping programs. Proficient and current in AgWare, Mercury, and Lightbox software as a vendor/user.
- High School Diploma – Gillette, WY
- Associate Degree (A.S.) – Ag Business- Casper College – Casper, WY
- Bachelor’s degree (B.S.) – Business Administration with a minor in Supply Chain Management-University of Wyoming-Laramie, WY
- Master’s Degree (M.S.) – Family and Financial Planning – Montana State University – Bozeman, MT
- Appraisal Institute-Basic Appraisal Principles-MT REA 070627
- Appraisal Institute -Basic Appraisal Procedures-MT REA 070848
- Appraisal Institute -2016-2017 15 Hour Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice
- Appraisal Institute-Income Approach I&II for General Appraisers
- ASFMRA Cost Approach (A301)- 2019
- ASFMRA Conservation Easements and Other Partial Interests (A315) – 2020
- ASFMRA Water Right Valuation – 2020
- Mckissock Appraisal School-MT Mentor/Trainee Course
- Mckissock Appraisal School -2018-2019 7 Hour USPAP update
- Mckissock Appraisal School -2020-2021 General Report Writing and Case Studies (#235)
- Mckissock Appraisal School -2020-2021 General Appraiser Sales Comparison Approach (#153)
- Mckissock Appraisal School -2020-2021 General Appraiser Market Analysis Highest & Best Use (#233)
- Mckissock Appraisal School -2020-2021 Statistics, Modeling and Finance (#232)
- Mckissock Appraisal School -2020-2021 Commercial Appraisal Review (#151)
Meet Craig Christianson
Certified General Appraiser, Wyoming
Knowledgeable of legal descriptions, warranty and quitclaim deeds, highest and best uses, access issues, public leases, grazing associations and private leases, zoning, construction and depreciation cost of improvements, flood plain hazards, environmental issues, nonconforming issues, severances and easements, soils, water rights, irrigation water, wildlife, and map reading and creating.
Familiar with various county government agencies for obtaining recorded ownership documents, easements, certificates, tax assessment records; Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service, and state agencies for public leases; Farm Service Agency for cropland records, aerial photos, and Crop Reserve Programs; U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service for soil survey and climate records; Department of Natural Resources Conservation and State Engineer’s office for recorded water rights; Marshall & Swift valuation guidelines and data base for current construction prices, cost situation, and depreciation; Federal Emergency Management Agency for national flood insurance program; MapRight, GIS, National Geographic, and many other mapping programs and software’s. Proficient and current in AgWare appraisal software.
- • B.S. of Science in Professional Land Management, University of Wyoming
- • A.S. of Science in Extractive Resources, Casper College
- • Certificate of Geographic Information Systems, Casper College
- • High School Diploma, Niobrara County High School
- Mar. 2023 Wyoming Certified General Appraiser
- Dec. 2022 Subject Matter Electives
- Dec. 2022 Report Writing & Case Studies
- Nov. 2022 Advanced Income Approach
- Nov. 2022 Market Analysis Highest & Best Use
- May 2022 Income Approach, Part 1
- May 2022 Sales Comparison Approach
- April 2022 Expert Witness for Commercial Appraisers
- April 2022 Cost Approach
- March 2022 Statistics, Modeling, and Finance
- Jan. 2021 Certified Real Estate Appraiser Trainee
- Dec. 2020 Basic Appraisal Procedures
- Dec. 2020 Basic Appraisal Principles
- Dec. 2020 15-Hour USPAP Course
- Dec. 2020 Supervisor/Trainee Course
Request an Appraisal
We strive to treat each property with the same priority, regardless of complexity or size. Since our inception as Certified General Appraisers years ago, our worklog queue has never been less than 30 days. We appreciate your patience and understanding in this process as it often times feels like the bottleneck to transactions. That being said, we pride ourselves in overdelivering. If we fail to meet our bid deadline, we have no problem compensating our customers for their valuable time.